Contoh Esai : Tema Leadership
Leadership is not a gift, but it can be learned and practiced.
I’m Asri Nuraeni. Somehow I grew
up to be a bit shy. But nevertheless I always chalenge myself by not rejecting
a given belief, like a position in an organisation. I want to become a more
fluider, funnier, and friendlier person.
Like when I
believed to be the first chairman of the Community Youth Against Corruption
(KOMPAK) Paramadina, since September 2011. This community concerns to spread
the spirit of integrity among the youth. We see that the importance of young
people is to have integrity, because they are going to be the leaders in the
future. If the KPK and other law agencies worked on banishing and punishing
criminals, hopefully we could supply young people with integrity.
KOMPAK itself
had succeeded organizing some visionary programs, such as “Deklarasi Ujian
Bersih”. It was about discussion of corruption in the mining sector, social
media campaigns, and Anty Corruption Youth Camp. Indeed, KOMPAK as a new
community,like any other, has a major obstacle, that is funding. However, this
is not a big problem, unless we respond creatively.
give a special experience for me, giving me the opportunity to learn as a
leader. To learn of how to influence my
friends to get a vision and mission in the running community. Because I think
that a leader must have vissions and missions to accomplish, and achieve. We
must apply a genuine integrity as a leader. After a few times of ups and downs,
KOMPAK finally began to show great progress so far.
some of my experiences in the organization, I am a responsible person. Thinking
about the community that I’m leading, led me to be able to manage myself.
Before taking care of things outside myself, of course personal matters, such
as my study and my internships, I should keep running it smoothly.
Besides my
concern in KOMPAK, I have some goals. One is to build my own area. I grew up in
Ciamis, a city in West Java which is rather quiet, and the education level of
its population is still low. In addition, the economic impact of Ciamis is still
low, because there are many potential
areas to be dugg about. My goal after accepting bachelor degree is having a business
in Ciamis. A business, which I’m passionate about it, that will surely
encourage economic growth of Ciamis. When the economy begin to squirm,
hopefully the educational level will increase. In this case, I’ve been
participating in some business plan competition as a way of starting my business,
but still not happening, yet. Perhaps I’m still lack of experiences and still
have to learn more.
To build a
business will certainly need leadership skills. As a leader of yourself, lead
and empower their employees so that the standard of living increases, to have
the vision,to innovate and to have high competitive ability. I remember what Gandhi
said, to have dignity, then society should produce. For that, I started with
Joining the
LIF is certainly interesting for me, being able to improve my ability to lead myrself,
the people around me, even to lead Indonesia next few years. Leading Indonesia
is not a sudden goal. It needs preparation, and later met with the opportunity.
I'm young, and I'm willing to learn.
*this essay applied for YLI
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